mogilefsd monitor is unhappy when not on localhost?

dormando dormando at
Sat May 3 00:51:52 UTC 2008

It's looking for your mogstored, which should be related to a configured 

Er, I'm going to be evil and leave that as a half baked answer for now. 
It's usually because mogstored isn't up or working right.


Andrew McClain wrote:
> I'm trying to set up my mogileFS configuration so that I can split 
> things up on different machines. My mogilefsd.conf looks like:
> db_dsn = DBI:mysql:mogilefs:host={{ip_address}}
> db_user = mogilefs
> db_pass = MOGILE_PASS
> listen = {{ip_address}}:7001
> conf_port = 7001
> listener_jobs = 10
> delete_jobs = 1
> replicate_jobs = 5
> mog_root = /var/mogilefs
> reaper_jobs = 1
> Where {{ip_address}} is the external IP of the machine.
> However, I keep getting this when I run mogilefsd:
> [monitor(14155)] Port 7500 not listening on otherwise-alive machine 
> <>?
> Error was: 500 Can't connect to <> 
> (connect: Connection refused)
> Where is it looking for localhost?
> Andrew
> -- 
> Tap the collective.

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