Replication Tweak: Use HTTP Get Port

dormando dormando at
Thu May 8 22:03:54 UTC 2008

Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:
> On May 8, 2008, at 11:15, Brian Lynch wrote:
>> In our continued tuning of our 150m+ file MogileFS installation, we 
>> noticed that the replication worker on the tracker does not make use 
>> of the separate HTTP listener we installed on the mogstored nodes 
>> (lighttpd).  The following changes for 2.17 from CPAN, create a new 
>> configuration element (repl_use_get_port) that takes advantage of 
>> alternative get ports for storage nodes.
> Why not just always use the alternative get port?

Changes in default behavior someone might notice should be baked as 
options for a while... Otherwise I don't see why not?


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