Bringing it back to lighttpd + mogstored issues (was: mogstoreddying: redux)

Jared Klett jared at
Thu May 22 16:37:00 UTC 2008

Actually, it appears the patch to handle 405's is, in fact, in 2.17.

-----Original Message-----
From: mogilefs-bounces at [mailto:mogilefs-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jared Klett
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 12:29 PM
To: mogilefs at
Subject: Bringing it back to lighttpd + mogstored issues (was: mogstoreddying: redux)

hi Greg,

	I would be interested to hear what your results are with the patch below. I had identical problems to what you described earlier when using lighttpd + mogstored, and I'm 99.99% sure I used the patch below (added manually to the 2.17 release).

	I didn't go to much effort to debug it, since the failures only seemed to occur under production traffic. Everything worked fine in our test MogileFS setup with lighttpd + mogstored.

	Are there other fixes for lighttpd + mogstored in the SVN trunk that are not in 2.17? I did see this in the changelog:

"RFC 2518 says we "should" use a trailing slash when calling MKCOL. Some servers (nginx) appears to require it. (Spotted by Timu Eren)."

	At the moment I have a sentinel script that monitors mogstored for excessive memory usage on each storage node and marks 'down'/restarts mogstored/marks 'alive' if necessary. So far that's been an acceptable bandaid for us, but I would love to have the storage nodes run efficiently.


- Jared

Jared Klett
office: 917.546.6989 x2002
mobile: 646.526.8948
aol im: JaredAtWrok

-----Original Message-----
From: mogilefs-bounces at [mailto:mogilefs-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ask Bjørn Hansen
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:20 AM
To: Greg Connor
Cc: mogilefs at
Subject: Re: mogstored dying: redux

On May 21, 2008, at 3:17, Greg Connor wrote:

> Thanks Mark.  The test script worked fine.  The 403 errors were only 
> occurring with "lighttpd" used in place of perlbal.  This was a 
> suggestion (Ask's) which seemed like a good thing to try, but lighttpd 
> actually made things worse.  With lighttpd, about 1 in 5 requests 
> failed to store, or failed to close.

Oh, I'm sorry.  I realize now that the "make lighttpd work" patch was never committed, darn.  Try the patch below.

--- server/lib/MogileFS/	(revision 1177)
+++ server/lib/MogileFS/	(working copy)
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
      my $ans = <$sock>;

      # if they don't support this method, remember that
-    if ($ans && $ans =~ m!HTTP/1\.[01] (400|405|501)!) {
+    if ($ans && $ans =~ m!HTTP/1\.[01] (400|501)!) {
          $self->{no_mkcol} = 1;
          # TODO: move this into method on device, which propogates to parent
          # and also receive from parent.  so all query workers share this knowledge

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