reverse proxy mode, HTTP 1.0 or 1.1?

Mark Smith junior at
Wed Aug 17 09:22:43 PDT 2005

Yes, that's normal.  Perlbal only speaks 1.0 to the backends regardless of
what the clients are speaking.

It shouldn't matter, anyway.  Clients may send their 1.1 request, but when
they get a 1.0 response from Perlbal, they should switch to 1.0 mode.

We haven't had any problems yet, and I imagine that LiveJournal sees it all!

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005, Kevin Lewandowski wrote:
> I'm now running Perlbal in reverse proxy mode. But I notice that all  
> requests to the backend are HTTP 1.0, even when the client initiates  
> a 1.1 request.
> Is this normal and could it cause a problem?
> thanks
> Kevin

Junior (aka Mark Smith)
junior at

Software Engineer
Six Apart / Danga Interactive

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