Perlbal as an accelerator for dynamic-but-cachable content

Brad Fitzpatrick brad at
Tue Oct 10 01:11:18 UTC 2006

You could do it in Perlbal pretty easily, but you'd need some hooks to
snarf the content as it went by, instead of passing it right to the
client.  Shouldn't be hard.

On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Jake wrote:

> Hi all,
> As it is, Perlbal makes a great "accelerator" for application servers.
> By buffering and handling connections, it takes a huge amount of work
> off the fat and slow backend servers. It's also amazingly good at
> serving static content efficiently.
> These are totally useful, and help a lot, but why, oh why, does it not cache?
> Much of the content that is generated by application servers these
> days is dynamic content, but it is frequently highly cachable.
> Caching this stuff is a massive gain on busy sites, because with it,
> an application server may only have to generate one request for every
> 10k requests that arrive.
> With Perlbal every hit makes it back to the application servers.
> What is LiveJournal (or others) doing to serve up these
> dynamic-but-cachable requests efficiently? Are they just optimizing
> dynamic generation (memcached, etc) so it doesn't hurt so bad, and
> buying additional servers?
> If I wanted to take try implementing some simple in-memory caching,
> what would be a good approach with Perlbal?
> Thanks all,
> Jake

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