HTTP Headers vs. link rel=

Stephen Deken stephen.deken at
Mon May 23 07:54:17 PDT 2005

Hello all,

Instead of parsing for the <link rel="..."> tag, would it be possible
to amend the spec to use an HTTP header instead?  Something like:


The semantics would be the same as for the <link rel="..."> tag, but
it would take precedence over it if it were present.  Ideally, this
method would be the preferred method.  Advantages:

  1. Easier to parse; headers are well understood
  2. For 'hive' sites such as LiveJournal the header could be
mandated, allowing all users to use the functionality without needing
to update their templates to include the link
  3. It would be possible to use a HEAD request instead of a GET,
allowing the server to not produce content for no reason, saving

If the HEAD request does not yield the desired header, a GET request
could be issued and parsing could occur as it does right now.



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