Implementing YADIS with no new software

Benjamin Yu benjaminlyu at
Mon Oct 31 10:54:14 PST 2005

The link tag is one way to do it. And it seems like the way OpenID will want to
move, if it is just a progression of the OpenID spec.

I'm actually more aligned with Christopher's suggestion of RDF, which I think
would acheive the decoupling problem.

For those that are unfamiliar with RDF, just think it as a bunch of Statements
formed as: Subject Predicate(Property) Object. Where Object is either another
Subject or a Literal String. All Subjects (aka Resources) and Predicates are
URI identified. Thus, a collection of Statements can form a graph of
descriptive meta-data.


--- Kurt Raschke <kurt at> wrote:

> On Oct 31, 2005, at 11:40 AM, Benjamin Yu wrote:
> > 2. What about embedding the capabilities information in the  
> > identity URL's
> > document instead of linking to another static doc? I'm not saying  
> > that I am
> > really advocating this position, just bringing it up for a pro/con  
> > discussion.
> Isn't this what <link rel="" ...> is for?  I am going to think out  
> loud for a bit; please bear with me.
> Could we do:
> <link rel="yadis.server.openid" href="OpenID server target" />
> <link rel="yadis.server.lid" href="LID server target" />
> <link rel="yadis.server.newidentityprotocol"  
> href="NewIdentityProtocol (not a real identity protocol) server  
> target" />
> What about things that don't use a URL?  For the sake of generating  
> an example, I'll pretend that TypeKey doesn't have OpenID support.   
> One could perhaps then do:
> <meta name="" content="TypeKey username" />
> So suppose an example page has more than one of the above statements,  
> and an example multi-protocol consumer supports several of those  
> protcols.  How to choose between them?
> How about:
> <meta name="yadis.protocols.preference" content="openid; q=0.9, lid;  
> q=0.5, typekey; q=0.3">
> This is modeled after the HTTP Accept header format but obviously it  
> is open to change.
> Profile exchange?  How about:
> <link rel="yadis.profile.vcard" href="" />
> Again, if multiple formats are given for the profile, a tag could be  
> used to indicate which is preferred.
> This sort of thing works well with existing documents (whether static  
> or dynamic), and requires nothing more than a few tags in the  
> <head>.  The only problems is that it is (X)HTML-specific.  This has  
> been raised before in terms of decoupling OpenID from (X)HTML, and I  
> don't believe a satisfactory resolution was ever reached on that issue.
> -Kurt

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