URL canonicalization

Michael 'hacker' Krelin hacker at klever.net
Wed Sep 14 14:57:46 PDT 2005

On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 03:53:28PM -0600, Dan Libby wrote:
> The spec says:
> "Note that the user can leave off "http://" and the trailing "/". A
> consumer must canonicalize the URL, following redirects and noting the
> final URL. The final, canonicalized URL is the user's identity URL."
> Okay, so case-insensitivity is fairly obvious. I'm already lower-casing
> everything.  But what about http vs https?    For example, should

I'm afraid you're overdoing it. You should not lowercase anything past

> "https://sally.people.com/" be treated as a separate identity from
> "http://sally.people.com/"?    Or should the protocol be ignored?

Clearly https://sally.people.com/ can have content different from
http://sally.people.com/ so you can't just ignore it.


> I suppose the issue can be broadened to: the spec is a bit vague about
> canonicalization of identity URLs.  Can we get clarification?
> thanks,
> Dan Libby

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