How to store OpenID Identity in DB - any recommendation?

Lukas Rosenstock inbox at
Mon Aug 7 13:26:46 UTC 2006

As far as I can remember the consent on this list was to *not* assume
identities to be the same if they *can* be different, therefore it is
necessary to store the complete canonical identity as given.
HTTP/HTTPs remains a problem. The slash problem could be solved if the
IdPs use redirection (30x) because the canonical URL that identifies a
user is the one *after* the redirect.

In my databases I use a table with local unique ids and another one that
matches OpenIDs to local ids, users can manually associate multiple URLs
with one account.


Am 07.08.2006, 15:04 Uhr, schrieb Vladimir <vlach at>:

> Hello,
> I read some of the previous articles about HTTP/HTTPS identities, but  
> I'd like to know, if you can recommend me how to store and identify   
> multiple identities as a one single user.
> We all know, that user could enter:
> [or other variants without http/https]
> in most cases refers to one single identity.
> What would you recommend to webmaster? How to store an OpenID identity  
> in database at this moment based on current specs?
> Would this be a good/bad idea?
> (without ending trailing slash and http/https?) Is  
> this compatible with future OpenID development?
> How do you manage this in your system?
> Thanks for your suggestions,
> Vlad

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