multiple URI elements per Service in XRDs

Joaquin Miller joaquin at
Fri Feb 3 18:10:21 UTC 2006

Martin, I was rereading some of the technical messages, to see if we 
missed anything in YADIS 0.9 and i noticed something that might interest you.

>    <Service priority="10">
>      <Type></Type>
>      <URI priority="10"></URI>
>      <openid:Delegate></openid:Delegate>
>    </Service>
>    <Service priority="15">
>      <Type></Type>
>      <URI priority="15"></URI>
>      <openid:Delegate></openid:Delegate>
>    </Service>

This is just fine.  But notice that the priorities on URI have no 
function.  The only occasion for using priorities on a URI element is 
when there are more than one in a given service element.

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