From the Drupal list: OpenID login architecture questions

Josh Hoyt josh at
Thu Feb 9 23:38:46 UTC 2006


On 2/9/06, Fen Labalme <fen at> wrote:
> Here's something interesting from the Drupal development list.
> While I would rather see an i-name or YADIS login since OpenID has no
> capability for profile data sharing, nonetheless OpenID has a large number of
> users (via LiveJournal) and they are attacking a problem that many sites will
> experience: how to distribute currently centralized passworded authentication.
>  In particular, Drupal enjoys a very large user base and creating a better
> login for Drupal would help us all.

OpenID and YADIS are compatible. Indeed, I expect that in the near
future, OpenID will primarily be used with YADIS. The people who
developed OpenID (on this list!) are also participating in the
development of YADIS. YADIS is just a discovery protocol (like XRI
resolution) and not a login system. YADIS+OpenID is a login system,
and we will be adding YADIS support once we have OpenID support. This
should also be a key step on the way to adding i-name+OpenID support.

> I've heard there's an i-name Drupal login project underway - hopefully I am
> not mistaken.  Is there also a YADIS login project?  Is there anyone on either
> team who might be able to offer some insights here?

We'd love to hear from anyone who's working on i-name support.
Integrating that with our OpenID patch should be reasonably easy and a
win overall.

> Over the longer term, my hope is that OpenID migrates towards YADIS (which is
> more i-name friendly) but for now, helping one helps us all.

It's on the way :)

Josh Hoyt
=j3h (

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