Talking points

Eugene Eric Kim eekim at
Thu Feb 16 18:57:54 UTC 2006

On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 10:51:51AM -0800, Johannes Ernst wrote:

> When you talk about YADIS -- and I'm sure many of you do, to other  
> developers, to friends and family, to potential customers and users  
> -- what do you usually talk about? What are the most important things  
> about YADIS that you can think of?

Here are mine:

  * The bad news: There are a gazillion identity specs and systems out

  * The good news: These folks are talking to each other.  The
    community (for the most part) realizes that no one can own this
    space, and that interoperability is a necessity.  Things are
    converging slowly but surely.

  * YADIS is one indication of this.  A small but important step in
    the right direction.

  * Enables you to support OpenID, LID, and i-names in a fairly
    transparent way.  Hopefully others (like SXIP) will jump on board;
    at minimum, they're participating in the conversation.

  * With YADIS, you don't have to wait for further convergence.
    Implement now.  Should be forward-compatible with future specs.


Eugene Eric Kim .........................
Blue Oxen Associates ........................

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