Yadis conformance

Dan Lyke danlyke at flutterby.com
Wed May 31 21:51:58 UTC 2006

On Wed, 31 May 2006 14:15:45 -0700, Jonathan Daugherty wrote:
> Can you explain the reason why simply entering "foo.bar.com" doesn't
> work?

It may be my reading of the spec, but I didn't see any guidelines on what  
steps to take to detect that what the relying party was given wasn't an  
absolute URL and to turn it in to a URL. If we can come to an agreement on  
that (and it may just be someone pointing me to the right place in the URL  
RFC), I'll happily code that up.

> Can you also explain why "test 1" tells me the response
> Content-type is always "text/plain" when I enter something like
> "foo.bar.com"?

I'll look at that, probably some way in which we're misinterpreting the  
results from LWP::UserAgent.


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