Proposal: SMTP service extension for Yadis discovery

Claus Färber GMANE at
Tue Feb 6 14:58:00 UTC 2007

Dmitry Shechtman <damnian at> schrieb/wrote:
> An SMTP service extension for Yadis discovery is proposed, inspired by Byrne
> Reese's suggestion to allow use of email addresses as OpenID identifiers.


The problem here is that is needs support by the email provider _and_
the software vendor.

Email-based OpenIDs (or let's call them user at realm-based OpenIDs, which
just resemble email adresses) could be as simple as a convention to map
<user at> to <>.

This also needs support from the email provider but it already works  
with standard software. Many providers already give their customers both  
adresses at the same time.


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