Is this project still active?

Austin Brkich austin.brkich at
Thu Jan 28 20:51:04 UTC 2010

Is it possible then for someone to explain how to go about setting up
djabberd? I know a thing or two about perl I just can't make heads or
tails on setting this up.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 5:23 AM, Dean Hamstead <dean at> wrote:
> judging by the mail archives there are people still using it
> you can see on the djabberd trac that code hasnt been checked in that
> recently.
> however, checking in code doesnt mean a project isnt active!
> the code quality i have found to be excellent, and although the
> documentation is somewhat scarce - ive been pleased with djabberd so far.
> Dean
> BlueT wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I don't know how many people's still active on the list but I know some
>> people are using djabberd on their production sites, so don't worry (if
>> you know a little perl).
>> Austin Brkich wrote:
>>> Are people still working on this project? I stumbled upon it since I
>>> was wanting a fully customizable chat server, and so far the lack of
>>> documentation is pushing me away.
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