perl/java incompatability

Jehiah Czebotar jehiah at
Tue Jul 1 13:27:29 UTC 2008

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:37 AM, Aidan Samuel
<Aidan.Samuel at> wrote:
> I know this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but I thought I'd give it a
> go:
> We have perl reading/writing from/to our memcache server, and java just
> reading. Perl is working fine, but java only works /most/ of the time.
> For particular keys, java gets junk data returned.

in general different clients are not compatible reading and writing
the same data because of different encoding/serialization schemes,
different compression schemes, and different use of flags stored in

In addition they often, as you mentioned, use different hashing
algorithms to match up keys to different servers.


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