
Jason Camp jcamp at
Mon Jun 20 21:12:48 PDT 2005

I just started setting up MogileFS and I must say so far it's great! One 
question, I didn't see anything about compression, is there any 
possibility to use gzip or to build it in if it doesn't already exist? 
I'm looking to store somewhere between 10 to 100 million documents and 
the more space i can save the better. I was thinking of handling this in 
perl, gzipping the content before I write it, do you think that would 
suffice or do you see any issues with that?

Also, have you run any scalability tests to see how many documents vs 
concurrent users you can push before things start to slow down? I'm 
really interested to see how it will scale. Thanks for all of your hard 
work, I really appreciate it! Once I have my prototype up I'll send you 
a link so you can see another example of what you can do with your fine 


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