mogstored dying: redux

Greg Connor gconnor at
Tue May 20 17:43:01 UTC 2008

Hi all, I very much appreciate the patient help and advice, but I'm 
still having trouble getting even small files stored in my mogile setup.

I have installed lighttpd and tried both ways, lighttpd configured and 
running on its own, and configured by mogstored by way of 
server=lighttpd.  I am getting wildly different results, all bad.

The most frequent error now is that storing files sometimes works, and 
other times gives me a 403 error.

> ddn4:mynock# mogtool inject --domain=dbbackups --class=dbbackups-recent --bigfile --concurrent=1 --overwrite /etc etc-test-tar32
> tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
> ERROR: Unable to save to _big_pre:etc-test-tar32.
> MogileFS backend error message: unknown_key unknown_key
> System error message: HTTP response 403 from upload of /dev348010/0/000/001/0000001766.fid to Sock_172.16.220.48:7500:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"          ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">  <head>   <title>403 - Forbidden</title>  </head>  <body>   <h1>403 - Forbidden</h1>  </body> </html>

At other times I get "Unable to save file: Close failed"

> ddn4:mynock# mogtool inject --domain=dbbackups --class=dbbackups-recent --bigfile --concurrent=1 --overwrite /etc etc-test-tar36
> tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
> NOTE: Using chunksize of 67108864 bytes.
> chunk etc-test-tar36,1: 3db30054becf8dd977504ac15eda2319, len = 17745920
> Spawned child 18115 to deal with chunk number 1.
> WARNING: Unable to save file 'etc-test-tar36,1': Close failed at /usr/bin/mogtool line 816, <Sock_minime336:7001> line 4.
> MogileFS backend error message: unknown_key unknown_key
> System error message: Close failed at /usr/bin/mogtool line 816, <Sock_minime336:7001> line 4.
> This was try #1 and it's been 0.56 seconds since we first tried.  Retrying...
> WARNING: Unable to save file 'etc-test-tar36,1': Close failed at /usr/bin/mogtool line 816, <Sock_minime336:7001> line 5.
> MogileFS backend error message: unknown_key unknown_key
> System error message: Close failed at /usr/bin/mogtool line 816, <Sock_minime336:7001> line 5.
> This was try #2 and it's been 2.17 seconds since we first tried.  Retrying...
>         chunk 1 saved in 4.67 seconds.
> Child 18115 successfully finished with chunk 1.

I do very much appreciate the help from Ask and Andy and Mark and others 
who have taken the time to reply... the helpfulness on the list has been 
a lifeline (especially due to the extreme lack of documentation).  If I 
can get this working I would be happy to contribute some documents to 
help others get quickly past all the problems I've found so far.  But, 
I'm getting incredibly frustrated at this and I'm running out of time to 
make it work... I need to submit an answer to mgmt in the next few days 
as to whether Mogile is suitable for our storage needs.

Thanks again

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