[PATCH] fix stats() in Cache::Memcached

Shiar memcached at shiar.org
Tue Sep 28 03:47:25 PDT 2004

Couldn't get the stats() command in the perl api to work.  It assumed
_oneline() returns a single line, while it usually got the whole blurb.
I don't know what it's supposed to do, but at least run_command() assumes the
latter.  Also, since run_command() is quite similar, I used that function in
stats() to reduce code duplication.  All in all, I think this code is cleaner,
but mainly: it just Works For Me (tm).

At least one point I'm not sure though: there was a comment saying some
commands used \n as line end instead of \r\n, and one saying 'stats sizes'
started with \0.  I couldn't reproduce either, so I assume this is only the
case on older servers?  Should these be supported?  I left some comments
inthere just in case.

Shiar - http://www.shiar.org
> Nur tiu ne eraras, kiu neniam ion faras
-------------- next part --------------
--- Memcached.pm.old	Tue Jul 27 19:07:04 2004
+++ Memcached.pm	Mon Sep 27 16:01:18 2004
@@ -752,11 +752,15 @@
     my $line = $cmd;
     while (my $res = _oneline($self, $sock, $line)) {
         undef $line;
-    $ret .= $res;
+        $ret .= $res;
         last if $ret =~ /(?:END|ERROR)\r\n$/;
-    chop $ret; chop $ret;
-    return map { "$_\r\n" } split(/\r\n/, $ret);
+    # Remove trailing linebreaks.
+    # Was double chop $ret, but just to be safe:
+    $ret =~ s/\r?\n$//;
+    # Each line should end in \r\n.
+    # If this is not the case, maybe we should use /\r?\n/?
+    return split(/\r\n/, $ret);
 sub stats {
@@ -792,49 +796,44 @@
   HOST: foreach my $host (@hosts) {
         my $sock = $self->sock_to_host($host);
       TYPE: foreach my $typename (grep !/^self$/, @$types) {
-            my $type = $typename eq 'misc' ? "" : " $typename";
-            my $line = _oneline($self, $sock, "stats$type\r\n");
-            if (!$line) {
-                _dead_sock($sock);
-                next HOST;
-            }
             # Some stats are key-value, some are not.  malloc,
             # sizes, and the empty string are key-value.
             # ("self" was handled separately above.)
-            if ($typename =~ /^(malloc|sizes|misc)$/) {
+            if ($typename =~ /^(malloc|sizes|misc|slabs|items)$/) {
                 # This stat is key-value.
-              LINE: while ($line) {
-                    # We have to munge this data a little.  First, I'm not
-                    # sure why, but 'stats sizes' output begins with NUL.
-                    $line =~ s/^\0//;
-                    # And, most lines end in \r\n but 'stats maps' (as of
-                    # July 2003 at least) ends in \n.  An alternative
-                    # would be { local $/="\r\n"; chomp } but this works
-                    # just as well:
-                    $line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
-                    # OK, process the data until the end, converting it
+                my $type = $typename eq 'misc' ? "" : " $typename";
+                # Get array of every line (seperator should always be \r\n).
+		# Previous split was /[\r\n]+/, because 'stats maps' could
+		# apparantly end in \n (as of July 2003 according to earlier
+		# comment). This does not appear to be the case anymore though.
+                my @line = run_command($self, $sock, "stats$type\r\n") or next HOST;
+                # Also, comment said 'stats sizes' output started with NUL. Also gone?
+                #s/^\0// for @line;
+                for my $line (@line) {
+                    # Process the data until the end, converting it
                     # into its key-value pairs.
-                    last LINE if $line eq 'END';
-                    my($key, $value) = $line =~ /^(?:STAT )?(\w+)\s(.*)/;
-                    if ($key) {
-                        $stats_hr->{'hosts'}{$host}{$typename}{$key} = $value;
-                    }
+                    last if $line eq 'END' or $line eq 'ERROR';
+                    my($key, $value) = $line =~ /^(?:STAT )?(\S+)\s(.*)/o;
+                    $stats_hr->{'hosts'}{$host}{$typename}{$key} = $value if $key;
                     $malloc_keys{$key} = 1 if $typename eq 'malloc';
-                    # read the next line
-                    $line = _oneline($self, $sock);
             } else {
                 # This stat is not key-value so just pull it
                 # all out in one blob.
-              LINE: while ($line) {
-                    $line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
-                    last LINE if $line eq 'END';
+                my $line = _oneline($self, $sock, "stats$typename\r\n");
+                next HOST unless $line;
+                while ($line) {
+                    # Check for end mark, and remove from result.
+                    my $lastline = $line =~ s/END\r?\n$//;
                     $stats_hr->{'hosts'}{$host}{$typename} ||= "";
-                    $stats_hr->{'hosts'}{$host}{$typename} .= "$line\n";
+                    $stats_hr->{'hosts'}{$host}{$typename} .= $line;
+                    last if $lastline;
                     # read the next one
                     $line = _oneline($self, $sock);

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