[Q: libmemcache] mirroring with *server_add*

Skylos skylos at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 13:34:40 PDT 2005

Put the sessions in your database, and front-cache the database with
memcached or some other cache, doesn't matter.

When its not in your cache, check the db.  If its not in the db,
neg-cache for a bit to save future lookups.  If it is, load the cache
with it.  When storing data, always backstore it into the database.

Impliment a periodic cleanup routine that sweeps obsolete session data
from the db table.


On 8/8/05, Alexander Lazic <al-memcached at none.at> wrote:
> On Mon 08.08.2005 13:19, Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:
> >
> >Memcached is not a database!
> I know this.
> >If you feel like you have to write this syncing, you're probably
> >thinking about or using memcached in the wrong way.
> What i want is the following:
> We have a loadbalancer on two maschines with Sessionhandling.
> At the moment we hold the sessions in memory but if one maschine crash
> we loose all the session information of these loadbalancer (maschine).
> My idea was to use in the loadbalancer the distributed memcache, so that
> we don't loose the sessiondata.
> Do you think that is the right way for memcached, or have you a better
> solution for these problem?
> Greetings
> al ;-)

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