PECL memcache extension

Don MacAskill don at
Fri Feb 3 23:57:20 UTC 2006

Yeah, our usage may be different.  It's not so much that our cache is 
very volatile as it is that the data is critical to be fresh.  So even 
if the data doesn't change much, missing one change could be a big deal.

Thanks though,


Brian Moon wrote:
>> Should ServerB fail again before "key1" has expired, calls to 
>  > "get key1" will return old stale data from ServerA
> I had never thought about this before.  But, yeah, that could happen.  I 
> don't think there is anything you can do about it though except stay 
> with your current client.
> What you have to do is stop and ask yourself if your cache is really 
> that volatile.  It may be, I don't know.  But, when we started getting 
> all flustered about how fresh our cache was, we came to the conclusion 
> that the .0001% of the time where we had this problem was not worth the 
> brain cycles it would take to fix it.

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