[ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4

dormando dormando at rydia.net
Wed Dec 12 17:41:49 UTC 2007

> Dormando, Is there any api (perl,php,java) which has been updated to
> incorporate these new commands ?

Some, slowly. I believe the pecl/memcache has an alpha out and the 
Cache::Memcached client should be patched soon.

> Also, is the hackathon going to look only at the core server or will
> there be any interest in going through patches for various api's posted
> on this list and reviewing/applying them to svn ?
> Regards, Yusuf

Both, yes. There should hopefully be a lot of interest in the C 
libmemcached as well. It's important for that to get as many eyes as 
possible :)


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