December 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Dec 1 02:47:52 UTC 2007
Ending: Mon Dec 31 18:23:03 UTC 2007
Messages: 198
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
André Cruz
- java memcached client
André Cruz
- [PATCH] Sending remaining TTL in "read"'s response
Nicolás Lichtmaier
- Binary protocol document as of 3:05AM at Yahoo's hackathon
Nicolás Lichtmaier
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Монашёв Михаил
- Failover
Brian Aker
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Brian Aker
- Consistent Hashing in libmemcached
Brian Aker
- Keys larger that 250
Brian Aker
- What is a valid key?
Brian Aker
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
Brian Aker
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
Brian Aker
- Newbie question: Memcache client for windows in C/C++
- pgmemcache for debian
- What is a valid key?
Kieran Benton
- What is a valid key?
Kieran Benton
- regarding memcached faster output
Kieran Benton
- [PATCH] Fix -k startup option.
Brian Beuning
- branches/binary-1.3.0
Tomash Brechko
- branches/binary-1.3.0
Tomash Brechko
- Two fixes
Tomash Brechko
- [PATCH 1/2] Add test for "flush_all 0".
Tomash Brechko
- [PATCH 2/2] Fix "flush_all 0" bug.
Tomash Brechko
- [PATCH 1/1] Fix --disable-threads not to _enable_ them.
Tomash Brechko
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Tomash Brechko
- Trying to fix a bug in debian for memcached
Tomash Brechko
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Tomash Brechko
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Tomash Brechko
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Tomash Brechko
- [PATCH] Fix -k startup option.
Tomash Brechko
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Tomash Brechko
- [patch] Memcached UDP
Tomash Brechko
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Tomash Brechko
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Tomash Brechko
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Tomash Brechko
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Tomash Brechko
- Patch - Avoid extra system traps
Tomash Brechko
- [PATCH] cas command may return NOT_FOUND if the item was deleted or
never existed.
Tomash Brechko
- Memcached newbie questions
Robert Brewer
- Theoretical set assoc cache org performance
Brian P Brooks
- Theoretical set assoc cache org performance
Brian P Brooks
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
Tim Bunce
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Tim Bunce
- Keys larger that 250
Tim Bunce
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
Tim Bunce
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Jehiah Czebotar
- client side connection pool
Jehiah Czebotar
- option -m: I need explication
Fabien Dalleau
- option -m: I need explication
Fabien Dalleau
- How do I judge the value does not exist or there are problems
in the server?
Troy Davisson
- question about using memcached for shared web hosting
Troy Davisson
- memcached patch: two-dimensional keys
Chris Fallin
- Trying to fix a bug in debian for memcached
Jeremiah C. Foster
- branches/binary-1.3.0
Chris Goffinet
- Memcached Hackathon - Need Names
Chris Goffinet
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Chris Goffinet
- Memcached @ Yahoo Highlights video
Chris Goffinet
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Yusuf Goolamabbas
- closed connections hanging in time_wait state
Steven Grimm
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Steven Grimm
- [patch] Memcached UDP
Steven Grimm
- What is a valid key?
Steven Grimm
- What is a valid key?
Steven Grimm
- What is a valid key?
Steven Grimm
- What is a valid key?
Steven Grimm
- What is a valid key?
Steven Grimm
- Theoretical set assoc cache org performance boosts?
Steven Grimm
- question about using memcached for shared web hosting
Perrin Harkins
- Memcached newbie questions
- "incompatible marshal file format (can't be read) format
version 4.8 required: 84.104 given " error
Eric Hodel
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
Qiangning Hong
- Theoretical set assoc cache org performance boosts?
Matt Ingenthron
- What is a valid key?
- question about using memcached for shared web hosting
- Memcached newbie questions
- "incompatible marshal file format (can't be read) format version
4.8 required: 84.104 given " error
Ronald J Kimball
- question about using memcached for shared web hosting
- regarding memcached faster output
Christian Leber
- Random add/set errors on Debian/Memcached 1.1.12
Mauro Maggi
- Random add/set errors on Debian/Memcached 1.1.12
Mauro Maggi
- UDP support in the binary protocol
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
Adam Michaels
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Les Mikesell
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Les Mikesell
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Les Mikesell
- CancelledKeyException in SPY memcached-2.0-pre5
Andrew Miller
- CancelledKeyException in SPY memcached-2.0-pre5
Andrew Miller
- help a systems admin understand....
Brian Moon
- Memcached hashing algorithm?
Brian Moon
- help a systems admin understand....
Brian Moon
- help a systems admin understand....
Brian Moon
- Random add/set errors on Debian/Memcached 1.1.12
Brian Moon
- How do I judge the value does not exist or there are problems
in the server?
Brian Moon
- How do I judge the value does not exist or there are problems
in the server?
Brian Moon
- How do I judge the value does not exist or there are problems
in the server?
Brian Moon
- [Fwd: Showcasing memcached at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2008
Brian Moon
- coarse-grained or fine-grained?
Brian Moon
- regarding memcached faster output
Brian Moon
- Memcached newbie questions
Brian Moon
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
Daryn Nakhuda
- Memcache does not provide Port
Sascha Braun | CEO at BRAUN Networks
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Trond Norbye
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Trond Norbye
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Trond Norbye
- Patch - Avoid extra system traps
Trond Norbye
- help a systems admin understand....
William Ottley
- help a systems admin understand....
William Ottley
- Best Wishes
Jure Petrovic
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
Keith Rarick
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
Keith Rarick
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
Keith Rarick
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
Keith Rarick
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
Keith Rarick
- Cache::Memcached & libmemcached hash compatibility
Marc Rossi
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Marcus Rueckert
- branches/binary-1.3.0
Dustin Sallings
- branches/binary-1.3.0
Dustin Sallings
- [PATCH] Sending remaining TTL in "read"'s response
Dustin Sallings
- [PATCH] Sending remaining TTL in "read"'s response
Dustin Sallings
- branches/binary-1.3.0
Dustin Sallings
- [PATCH] Sending remaining TTL in "read"'s response
Dustin Sallings
- CancelledKeyException in SPY memcached-2.0-pre5
Dustin Sallings
- CancelledKeyException in SPY memcached-2.0-pre5
Dustin Sallings
- client side connection pool
Dustin Sallings
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Dustin Sallings
- coarse-grained or fine-grained?
Dustin Sallings
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
Dustin Sallings
- Binary protocol document as of 3:05AM at Yahoo's hackathon
Dustin Sallings
- memcached: UDP and byte ranges
Dustin Sallings
- binary updates
Dustin Sallings
- binary updates
Dustin Sallings
- What is a valid key?
Dustin Sallings
- What is a valid key?
Dustin Sallings
- What is a valid key?
Dustin Sallings
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Eran Sandler
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Eran Sandler
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Eran Sandler
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Eran Sandler
- Libevent 1.3 patches for Windows and Libevent 1.4
Eran Sandler
- Libevent 1.3 patches for Windows and Libevent 1.4
Eran Sandler
- hacking memacached, suhosin saves
Russell Smith
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
Du Song
- [request feature] range data set and range data fetch commands
in memcached protocol.
Aaron Stone
- Binary protocol document as of 3:05AM at Yahoo's hackathon
Aaron Stone
- Binary protocol document as of 3:05AM at Yahoo's hackathon
Aaron Stone
- UDP support in the binary protocol
Aaron Stone
- Keys larger that 250
Aaron Stone
- UDP support in the binary protocol
Aaron Stone
- UDP support in the binary protocol
Aaron Stone
- UDP and byte ranges
Aaron Stone
- binary updates
Aaron Stone
- UDP / byte range document
Aaron Stone
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
Aaron Stone
- What is a valid key?
Aaron Stone
- What is a valid key?
Aaron Stone
- What is a valid key?
Aaron Stone
- What is a valid key?
Aaron Stone
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Jason Titus
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Jason Titus
- [ANN] Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.03
Jason Titus
- java memcached client
Greg Whalin
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
Kevin Williams
- [patch] Memcached UDP
Anton Yuzhaninov
- cat't start memcached with -B option
- memcached-1.2.4-rc2
- branches/binary-1.3.0
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- [PATCH] Sending remaining TTL in "read"'s response
- Random add/set errors on Debian/Memcached 1.1.12
- [PATCH] Sending remaining TTL in "read"'s response
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- Two fixes
- branches/binary-1.3.0
- [Fwd: Showcasing memcached at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2008
- [PATCH] Sending remaining TTL in "read"'s response
- [Fwd: Showcasing memcached at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2008
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- digests not sending
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- [ANNOUNCE] memcached 1.2.4
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
- Developing memcached, how should we do it?
- Libevent 1.3 patches for Windows and Libevent 1.4
- UDP and byte ranges
- binary updates
- What is a valid key?
- What is a valid key?
- libmemcache vs libmemcached
- [PATCH] cas command may return NOT_FOUND if the item was deleted
or never existed.
- question about using memcached for shared web hosting
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
- [ANN] beanstalkd 0.5
- question about using memcached for shared web hosting
- closed connections hanging in time_wait state
deva seetharam
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 18:23:03 UTC 2007
Archived on: Mon Dec 31 18:23:12 UTC 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).