question about using memcached for shared web hosting

John j at
Mon Dec 17 17:49:32 UTC 2007

Hi Hans,

You can specify the following directives in your php.ini:

session.save_handler = memcache
session.save_path = "http://localhost:11211"

To test if your current version of php/pecl-memcached supports session 
do a var_dump(MEMCACHE_HAVE_SESSION), if 1 then you are good to go, 
otherwise you may need to upgrade php/pecl-memcached.


Krystian wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm looking for cache software which I can use in Load Balancing web 
> servers (especially php sessions).
> I'd like to know if it is possible to use memcached in transparent 
> way. So users don't need rewrite code, just server create sessions in 
> memcached. Also I'd like to know if it is possible to create different 
> caches per user (for security each user gets his own session path).
> Regards,
> Hans

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