Developing memcached, how should we do it?

Brian Aker brian at
Thu Dec 13 00:38:59 UTC 2007

Hi Trond,

libmemcached, the C driver, currently does support Dtrace (I added it  
when I added it to MySQL). It would be nice to see Sun do a bit more  
support of the autoconf tools for Dtrace. It would make it much easier  
to support Dtrace with most open source projects.


On Dec 12, 2007, at 6:45 AM, Trond Norbye wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am working on a team at Sun Microsystems focusing on Memcached,  
> and we have just completed the integration of Memcached 1.2.2 into  
> OpenSolaris (it will be available in the next build). Our next step  
> will be to try to improve the scalability on multicore-machines, so  
> we are about to set up our development and test environment. I would  
> therefore like to get some ideas on how we should do this from all  
> of you.
> My first question is about SCM.
> We are a team of developers here that are going to be working on the  
> code, and want to share our work with the team while we're working.  
> I am not a big fan of sending "diff-files" within the team and  
> applying them, since tracking the changes will become difficult  
> (until we're done so we can push a patch back out to the community  
> to get it integrated into the Subversion repository).
> How is this being solved by other companies?
> Test environment:
> I want to set up a test-suite to cover as much as possible of  
> Memcached. How are people doing this?
> Thanks,
> Trond Norbye

Brian "Krow" Aker, brian at
Seattle, Washington                     <-- Me                <-- Software    <-- Fun
You can't grep a dead tree.

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