Largest production memcached install?

Sumit Datta sumitdatta at
Fri May 4 10:24:59 UTC 2007

Paul said:
> It's not all that out of the world.  Consider how many distinct objects
> need to be fetched to generate a single page.  If your caching model
> caches individual objects, you could easy have 200 or more per page.
> 6 million / 200 = 30,000 Page views per second.
> Maybe thats high, maybe its not, but it doesn't seem out of this world
> to me.
> For Bloglines, we commonly have pages that will do 200 to 1000 object
> fetches from memcache.  Getting to 6 million+ aggregate memcache
> requests per second is definitely feasible.
> IMO, blah blah blah....

I am confused here:
30K page views a second ? That is too much ? You mean thats the
highest you have ever got right, because at 30K page views / sec:
30,000 * 3600 (hour) * 24 (days) * 30 = 77 billion page views a month
.... that is IIRC more than that of Yahoo + MySpace combined ? Or am I
wrong ?
=Code is Poetry=
Sumit Datta
Web Developer

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