Memcache max key size

Renato Silveira renatosilveira at
Wed May 30 13:26:46 UTC 2007


I started a thread about it a few months ago. Well, instead of increase the
key length we used a MD5 algorithm on the keys and then we sent to
memcached. The overhead of this is very slow and you still save memory,
cause if you increase the key size, the allocated memory for each object
cached will increase too.


On 5/30/07, André Cruz <andre.cruz at> wrote:
> Hello all.
> Regarding thread
> January/003391.html it was said that I could raise the KEY_MAX_LENGTH
> to 256 and memcache would still behave correctly. I would like to
> confirm this information and ask if the apr_memcache client would
> work well this way.
> I skimmed the source of the client and didn't find any glaring
> problem but just in case...
> Thanks,
> André Cruz
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