'noreply' over the wire
Steven Grimm
sgrimm at facebook.com
Sat Nov 10 19:15:29 UTC 2007
Your application never streams requests to memcached, does it? If you
don't do that, any performance impact of replies coming over the wire
are pretty much overwhelmed by network latency. And if you *do* stream
requests, then your noreply proposal (which as I understand it is more
of a "sometimesreply" option) is 100% useless because it will be
impossible for a client to know which errors / responses go with which
In real-world clients, "get" requests are the vast, vast majority of
requests -- over 99% in our case, and I don't imagine we're unusual in
that respect -- and as you point out, you always need a reply to
those. Making the parser code quite a bit more complicated to optimize
for less than 1% of requests is, IMO, not a smart move, especially
when the remaining <1% are not causing any trouble anyway. If you can
make "get" faster (than the binary protocol under development, which
will be the preferred choice for performance-sensitive applications)
then I'm sure people will be all ears.
It seems to me that this is a solution searching for a plausible
problem to justify itself, not a response to an existing problem that
needed to be solved. Maybe I'm wrong about that, though. What real-
world problem were you having with memcached that this set of patches
addresses? I would strongly oppose integrating this into the main
source base unless there's a good answer to that question.
On Nov 10, 2007, at 2:43 AM, Tomash Brechko wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 21:10:18 +0300, Tomash Brechko wrote:
>>> But these seem gratuitous. Are you actually testing them in a
>>> production environment?
>> The truth is: no, I don't. I don't have the right environment. Can
>> you help me with that?
> Let me bug you a bit more. Though I don't have the access to any
> production environment, I still do the testing that I can. Previously
> I posted some measurements with loopback interface, here comes the
> test over the wire. I have 1.1 machines, 1 being desktop Pentium 4 at
> 2.4GHz, and 0.1 being a router with Broadcom CPU at 264MHz. The
> router is capable enough, it does 100Mb/s over 5 ports.
> I can't run serious code on the router, but thankfully it runs Linux,
> so I install the following rule to iptables:
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p all \
> -s -d -j MIRROR
> i.e. every packet sent to is mirrored back with source
> and destination addresses (but not ports) transposed. This means that
> I can connect two processes on desktop with TCP/UDP that goes to the
> wire and back.
> For the test 04_noreply.t that I added to Cache::Memcached for count
> => 100_000 iterations in every loops, times were
> Files=1, Tests=7, 19 wallclock secs (16.87 cusr + 1.96 csys =
> 18.83 CPU)
> and network utilization was 1.8-1.9MB/s (B is _byte_, not bit). As
> you can see, 19 wallclock =~ 18.83 CPU, so the case was actually CPU
> bound (and xosview showed that too), i.e. it could probably be even
> faster. Cache::Memcached adds quite some overhead, and there are ways
> to improve it (for instance, set() copies data _twice_ before sending
> it, for not reason. This may be replaced with writev binding (I hope
> there's one in Perl)).
> Then for every request in the test file I added $res = ... to suppress
> void context and effectively to wait for the result packet. Now times
> were
> Files=1, Tests=7, 207 wallclock secs (38.78 cusr + 9.00 csys =
> 47.78 CPU)
> CPU usage grew about two times, which is fair given that we have twice
> as much traffic now. But network utilization was only 510-520KB/s,
> and what's more important is that wallclock is _ten_ times bigger.
> The explanation is simple: network utilization is 4 times smaller, and
> we have twice as much traffic, which give 8, that is close to 10.
> Such poor network load comes from the fact that when traffic goes only
> one direction several requests may end up in one network packet
> (kernel doesn't send packets right away, it waits a bit for more data,
> and sometimes it also has to wait for the interface to become ready).
> But with request-reply scheme every request (and reply) goes in a
> separate packet.
> Alright, artificial case looks good, but will this work in production?
> Sure the mileage depends on how frequent the requests with 'noreply'
> are. More interesting question is _when_ it is safe to use 'noreply'.
> Let's have a quick tour through the commands. I will assume that the
> request is syntactically correct, and there's no "internal server
> error" (like generic ERROR, more on this later). I will also assume
> that client code is semantically correct, for instance, when it issues
> 'add', it either can't get EXISTS, or this would mean a success.
> Application that has to handle such semantic inconsistency should test
> the result of course.
> - get, gets, stats, version: do not support 'noreply' for obvious
> reasons.
> - quit: never had a result anyway.
> - add: STORED: success, EXISTS: can't happen if semantically
> correct, or also means a success.
> - set: STORED: success.
> - replace, append, prepend, cas: STORED: success, NOT_FOUND: can't
> happen if semantically correct, or also means a success.
> - delete: DELETED: success, NOT_FOUND: success.
> - incr, decr: <new_value>: success, normally not needed, NOT_FOUND:
> can't happen if semantically correct.
> - flush_all, verbosity: always OK: success.
> As you can see, you may ignore the result more often than not. The
> remaining question is: what if there's an internal server error? Good
> candidate is "not enough memory". The answer is: for some commands,
> it can't be helped. For some ambiguity of the resulting state is
> acceptable. For some minor faulty rate is acceptable (for instance,
> for the web application the user may always reload the page). When it
> really matters client should test the result. IOW, client should use
> best judgment.
> This very moment the idea crossed my mind: we may add the flag,
> 'noreply_close_on_error', and if set the server will close the
> connection when 'noreply' was used, and there was an internal error.
> This way, the client will never miss the error.
> IOW, "What I say three times is true" :). Let's accept the patches to
> the mainline. Thanks in advance!
> --
> Tomash Brechko
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