Reentrancy problem forking children with the PHP client

Maxwell Lamb max at
Fri Oct 12 18:33:01 UTC 2007

Sorry, didn't realize it wouldn't find the context - see below.


We've been experiencing the exact same issue, although our only  
difference is that we're only opening the memcached connection once,  
prior to forking using pctnl_fork.

I was wondering if you'd had any joy finding a resolution to this -  
we're currently working on the basis of storing everything in  
memcached within a one-keyed array, where the key is the same as the  
memcached key, and the value the same as the value to be stored, and  
we're then checking the key of the returned array against the  
requested key from memcached, and if it's wrong, trying again. While  
this resolves the issue insofar as it prevents us from having the  
wrong data in the wrong place, it's obviously far from ideal due to  
the overhead of having to do multiple requests in the case of  
failure, and of having to check a key value after every get.

Anyway - even if you don't have a solution, it isn't just you having  
this issue.





Since you actually fork the process there should be no possibility of
sharing memory between children. And since the connection is established
after the fork no sockets are shared, in which case you would probably
get data corruption errors instead of a whole object being swapped.
Also, the client doesn't use any globals and works fine under ZTS (the
thread safe PHP build).

If you have a short script that reproduces the problem, I'd be glad to
give it a try and see if I can hunt down the problem.


Kenner Stross wrote:
 > There appears to be a re-entrancy issue with the PHP client.   
Here's a
 > brief recap of my situation:
 > I have a daemon process that is written in php (and is thus called  
 > this: "php -e myDaemon -- -paramOne -paramTwo &").  Once it is  
 > it follows standard daemon coding practices to set itself up as a
 > detached session leader and wait for something to do.  Once there is
 > something to do, it will fork some children to do the work.  Looks  
 > this:
 > myDaemon (the parent, which forks three times in this example)
 > 	myDaemon (child 1)
 > 	myDaemon (child 2)
 > 	myDaemon (child 3)
 > The memcache client is not instantiated until the children have  
 > so that each child can have a memcache client that is separate  
from and
 > unrelated to the other children.  However, it appears that they  
are all
 > still intertwined at some deeper level, apparently as a result of  
 > forked out of the same php process space (I guess).
 > The symptoms are this: At various random points, a memcache "get" for
 > object1 (whose type is class1) will return object2 (whose type is
 > class2).  In other words, it is returning the wrong objects.  To me,
 > this sure looks like a reentrancy problem, where one child is being
 > swapped in by the processor at JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT to pick up the
 > OTHER OBJECT from the OTHER CHILD that was just swapped out.
 > The confirmation that this is the problem is that when I set a limit
 > such that the parent can never fork more than one child, the problem
 > goes away.  Handled that way, memcache always returns the correct
 > object.
 > Has anybody had similar experiences?  I'd love to hear what others  
 > know about this issue and/or the architecture of the php client
 > vis-a-vis forking.
 > Thanks,
 > Kenner Stross

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