Client interoperability, server selection.

Tomash Brechko tomash.brechko at
Tue Mar 11 15:29:46 UTC 2008

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 07:13:54 -0700, Brian Aker wrote:
> To me ketama is just another distribution type, one that can be  
> selected by the end user or not.
> I think it is good to have a few "do this, it works across all  
> libraries", but at the same time I do not want to go to a least common  
> denominator solution.

I don't get your point.  Key distribution as implemented in the
original Cache::Memcached seem to be the one common solution.  But
there also seem to be the demand to have _consistent_ hashing common
to all clients.  And my point is that if we are choosing Ketama
algorithm for that, we should improve the original implementation
first, not blindly duplicate it (the one using MD5).

This won't limit you in providing further flexibility (though I think
that every feature should be justified, and not merely thrown in for
the sake of a "richer" choice).

Problems with Ketama implementation in libketama as of 0.1.1 are (I
know there's a newer release, so maybe some are solved already?):

 - only addresses shorter than 23 bytes are accepted (including ':' and
   port number), longer addresses are silently ignored.

 - parts of MD5 are used as hash values.

 - sequence numbers of points are stringified (sprintf()ed) before

 - qsort() is used, which means unstable order of collided (equal)
   points.  Adding three servers but then removing one, and restarting
   with left two servers may reorder equal points.

The suggestion is to use more appropriate hash function (FNV-1a is the
current candidate), support addresses of any length (of course), not
stringify sequence numbers (hash binary 4-byte little-endian word
directly), and explicitly define the order of collided points (both on
server insert, and on server get; FIFO is suggested).  Earlier I
mentioned that I use '\0' as the host-port delimiter, but using ':'
would be better, as "host:port" syntax seem to be common, and not
every implementation splits the address early as I do.

So, are you for, against, or haven't made your mind yet?

   Tomash Brechko

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