mogstored file descriptor leak
Cory Bennett
mogile at
Sun Aug 14 19:22:16 PDT 2005
I just started working with MogileFS yesterday, so I hope this has not been
covered yet. I am using the cvs version of MogfileFS and Perlbal. I got it
all set up, and it was working well, then after a few hours, my mogstored
would stop responding. If I restarted it, it all worked fine again. The
second time it happened I started looking around to see what was going on,
and it seems like there is a file descriptor leak when <root>/<dev>/usage is
requested. I looked around in the code base, but it is a little too deep for
me to see anything yet.
coryb at thor:/tmp$ sudo lsof | grep mogstored | grep /var/mogdata | grep usage |
wc -l
This is on linux. I am using IO::AIO instead of Linux::AIO because I could
not get Linux::AIO to compile.
Any ideas? Thanks!
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