Auto-replication problem

Mark Smith junior at
Tue Aug 8 17:37:21 UTC 2006

> I've tried 'mogadm host mark VM2 dead'. VM1 appears to go crazy on the
> CPU for a few seconds, but no files appear in /var/mogdata on VM1 (in
> any dev* directory). I'm guessing auto-replication isn't working for me
> - can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

First thing to check - do you have a reaper job running?  Telnet in to
your tracker and issue the command "!jobs"... see if you have a reaper.

If not, then you can do:

    !want 1 reaper

This job is responsible for noticing dead hosts and removing the linked
files so they get rereplicated.

Mark Smith
junior at

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