Documentation available for MogileFS installation and setup process

Brett G. Durrett brett at
Mon Jul 3 18:32:16 UTC 2006

Thanks for the feedback.  The document already stated that the trackers 
need to be running to use mogadm but I guess it was easily missed.  I 
made that line more prominent and added a line to troubleshooting so 
hopefully people will catch it.  The updated version is available at

If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.


feihu_roger wrote:

>Thank for your doc, it's nice.
>but i found ,if you run mogadm, the tracker must be running.
>other, u can get: Unable to retrieve host information from tracker(s).
>So, in document, Starting Trackers should before run mogadm
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>>I documented the installation and setup process for MogileFS.  This 
>>document should enable even a pretty novice system administrator to 
>>install MogileFS.   This is an early version of the documentation so I 
>>welcome comments, corrections or suggestions for improvements.  The 
>>documentation can be found here:
>>The area that seems to be the most confusing is the device setup - if 
>>anybody has a better method, let me know.

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