help with php class

Gareth Thomas garethdthomas at
Tue Jul 4 17:20:25 UTC 2006


we are evaluating mogilefs as our image server and have setup a test
environment. I have been using the one and only PHP class that I found out
there, just trying a simple test to save an image as follows:


$mfs = MogileFS::NewMogileFS( 'test',$host,'/var/mogdata');

if (!$mfs->saveFile("123","testclass","arrow1.gif")){
When I run the test I am getting the following error:

open failedFailed=ERR unreg_domain

The configuration file is setup as follows:

db_dsn          DBI:mysql:mogile
db_user         mogile
db_pass         mogile
conf_port       6001
listener_jobs   5

Do I need to put something into the mysql database for this?

Thanks for any help.

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