Do you know the reason?

James Zheng jameswork66 at
Tue Jul 18 15:58:26 UTC 2006

>> Uninstall Linux::AIO and install IO::AIO instead.
>> I'd got the same error in fedora core 3. FYI, debain works fine with both
>> modules.

Thanks for you helps,  my result is it can't works at redhat linux after i 
tested all versions, but it works well at Debain.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Zheng" <JamesWork66 at>
To: <komtanoo.pinpimai at>
Cc: <mogilefs at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: Do you know the reason?

> Thanks, seem the mogstored  can't work without the "Linux::AIO ".
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <komtanoo.pinpimai at>
> To: "James Zheng" <jameswork66 at>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Do you know the reason?
>> Uninstall Linux::AIO and install IO::AIO instead.
>> I'd got the same error in fedora core 3. FYI, debain works fine with both
>> modules.
>> On Mon, July 17, 2006 5:29 pm, James Zheng wrote:
>>> Would you get some suggestion for this again?
>>> Thanks.
>>> [root at FC2 Linux-AIO-1.9]# make test
>>> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
>>> "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
>>> t/00_load......ok t/01_stat......ok t/02_read......ok t/03_errors....NOK 
>>> 1#
>>> Failed test 1 in t/03_errors.t at line 21
>>> #  t/03_errors.t line 21 is:     ok($_[0] < 0 && $! == ENOENT);
>>> t/03_errors....NOK 7# Failed test 7 in t/03_errors.t at line 40 #
>>> t/03_errors.t line 40 is:     ok($! == ENOENT); t/03_errors....NOK 10#
>>> Failed test 10 in t/03_errors.t at line 49
>>> #  t/03_errors.t line 49 is:     ok($! == EBADF);
>>> t/03_errors....FAILED tests 1, 7, 10 Failed 3/10 tests, 70.00% okay
>>> Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -----
>>> t/03_errors.t               10    3  30.00%  1 7 10 Failed 1/4 test
>>> scripts, 75.00% okay. 3/26 subtests failed, 88.46% okay. make: ***
>>> [test_dynamic] Error 255
>>> [root at FC2 Linux-AIO-1.9]# cat t/03_errors.t
>>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>>> use Fcntl; use Test; use POSIX qw(ENOENT EACCES EBADF); use FindBin; use
>> lib
>>> "$FindBin::Bin";
>>> use aio_test_common;
>>> BEGIN { plan tests => 10 }
>>> Linux::AIO::min_parallel 2;
>>> my $tempdir = tempdir();
>>> my $some_dir  = "$tempdir/some_dir/"; my $some_file =
>>> "$some_dir/some_file";
>>> # create a file in a non-existent directory
>>> aio_open $some_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0, sub { ok($_[0] < 0 && $! 
>>> ==
>>> ENOENT);
>>> };
>>> pcb;
>>> # now actually make that file
>>> ok(mkdir $some_dir); aio_open $some_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644, 
>>> sub
>>> {
>>> my $fd = shift; ok($fd > 0); ok(open (FH, ">&$fd")); print FH 
>>> "contents.";
>>> close FH; ok(-e $some_file); };
>>> pcb;
>>> # test error on unlinking non-empty directory
>>> aio_unlink "$some_dir/notfound.txt", sub { ok($_[0] < 0); ok($! == 
>>> ENOENT);
>>> };
>>> pcb;
>>> # write to file open for reading
>>> ok(open(F, $some_file)) or die $!; aio_write *F, 0, 10, "foobarbaz.", 0,
>>> sub { my $written = shift; ok($written < 0); ok($! == EBADF); };
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "James Zheng" <JamesWork66 at>
>>> To: "Brad Fitzpatrick" <brad at>
>>> Cc: <mogilefs at>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:04 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Do you know the reason?
>>>>> Did your Linux::AIO or IO::AIO successfully "make test" or did you
>>>>> just blindly "make install" and hope for the best?  :)
>>>> Thanks, there is some problem,  i skiped it.
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Brad Fitzpatrick" <brad at>
>>>> To: "James Zheng" <jameswork66 at>
>>>> Cc: <mogilefs at>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:52 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: Do you know the reason?
>>>>> Did your Linux::AIO or IO::AIO successfully "make test" or did you
>>>>> just blindly "make install" and hope for the best?  :)
>>>>> On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, James Zheng wrote:
>>>>>> I got the error when i try to save a file. Do you know the reason?
>>>>>> Jul 18 05:45:14 dev perlbal[7562]: system error: Internal error
>>>>>> (error =
>>>>>> ,
>>>>>> path = /var/mogdata//dev1/0/000/000, file = 0000000001.fid) Jul 18
>>>>>> 05:46:09 dev perlbal[7562]: system error: Internal error (error =
>>>>>> ,
>>>>>> path = /var/mogdata//dev1/0/000/000, file = 0000000002.fid)
>>>>>> # ll /var/mogdata//dev1/
>>>>>> total 4 -rw-rw-rw-    1 mogile   mogile        129 Jul 18 04:55 usage
>>>>>> Thanks.

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