mogilefs vs SAN

komtanoo.pinpimai at komtanoo.pinpimai at
Thu Jul 27 00:43:50 UTC 2006


Our company website has a section allowing users to upload/download files,
now it's growing faster than our NFS fileserver can scale(we also need to
do annoying backups).  Most of us agree on using
MogileFS/Perlbal/Memcached to solve the problem since it's built for
image/file uploading sites. However somebody brought up an alternative,
which is SAN, claiming that the price has dropped and more stable. We are
going to have a meeting tomorrow to compare pros/cons of them.
Unfortunately, I have only a very slightly idea of SAN, but my instinct
told me to avoid it, so, does anybody have experience on SAN ? What are
the benefits of MogileFS over SAN and SAN over MogileFS ?


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