Large file problem/Split file / Update

komtanoo.pinpimai at komtanoo.pinpimai at
Thu Jul 27 15:23:51 UTC 2006

Ah, my Danga::Socket from CPAN has already added 5M limit on sysread and
it's still "out of memory", but when I changed the limit to 1M, the error
has gone. It's must be incompatibility of sysread among systems. (mine are
Sarge and FC5, they die from this error).


On Wed, July 26, 2006 7:22 pm, komtanoo.pinpimai at wrote:
> On Wed, July 26, 2006 6:48 pm, Eric Lambrecht wrote:
>> komtanoo.pinpimai at wrote:
>>> I got "out of memory!" for inserting hundreds megabyte of files into
>>> Mogilefs, so I googled for a while and found the issue had been
>>> discussed,
>> Was mogstored dying on you or was it your client?
> It's mogstored, thought the OS killed it. I overlooked Brad had already
> provided the patch, I'll try it tomorrow, if it works, that's great, I
> won't have to bother splitting file.
> -thanks
> kem

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