replicas cleanup

Mark Smith mark at
Mon Jun 19 18:50:27 UTC 2006

> Well, yes it stops replicating when the mindevcount is reached, but when
> some servers are dead the replicator will try to replicate to maintain the
> number of replica not to lower than the mindevcount, and when those
> servers are back, the devcount of some files might equal to the
> mindevcount + the number of dead servers ?

Note there's a difference between a device/host being 'down' and it
being 'dead'.

If you mark something as dead, it means: "this device/host is not coming
back, the files on it are permanently gone."  MogileFS will start
removing files from that machine and putting them elsewhere.

If you just need to temporarily remove a machine from the pool due to
maintenance or temporary failure, use the 'down' state.  MogileFS will
NOT replicate the files to new locations, trusting instead that the
downed data will return at some point.

Mark Smith
mark at

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