replicas cleanup

komtanoo.pinpimai at komtanoo.pinpimai at
Tue Jun 20 17:10:36 UTC 2006

I'm using CVS, normal setting. All I was doing is marking host/device
up/down while creating new files, but I'm not sure how to make it happened
again. I'll let you know, if I could find the exact scenario.


On Mon, June 19, 2006 4:07 pm, Mark Smith wrote:
>> Oh, I see, so devcount is always <= mindevcount ? In my database some
>> files have devcount > mindevcount(devc=4 or 3, mindevc=2), so I thought
>> it is the case.
> That shouldn't happen... I can't think of any case in which it happens
> on purpose, so that sounds like a bug.
> Are you using the CVS version or the SVN version of MogileFS?  I'm
> hoping the former, as the latter isn't stable yet.
> Anything weird/non-standard you've done with your setup?
> --
> Mark Smith
> mark at

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