Broken pipe Crash

Daniel Nakasone daniel.nakasone at
Thu Nov 22 04:46:44 UTC 2007

Hi, I have been testing mogilefs for a while, but had it crashed twice,
the error that I get in daemon.log is:

Nov 19 06:22:48 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3235]: [replicate(3416)] no_source:
Source is no longer available replicating 8
Nov 19 06:23:51 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3235]: [replicate(3416)] no_source:
Source is no longer available replicating 3
Nov 19 06:23:51 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3235]: [replicate(3416)] no_source:
Source is no longer available replicating 8
Nov 19 06:24:51 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3235]: [replicate(3416)] no_source:
Source is no longer available replicating 3
Nov 19 06:24:51 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3235]: [replicate(3416)] no_source:
Source is no longer available replicating 8
Nov 19 06:25:53 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3235]: [replicate(3416)] no_source:
Source is no longer available replicating 8
Nov 19 06:25:53 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3235]: [replicate(3416)] no_source:
Source is no longer available replicating 3

Nov 19 06:26:55 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3415]: crash log: While reading
pipe from parent, got EOF.  Parent's gone.  Quitting.

Nov 19 06:26:56 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3414]: crash log: Error writing to
parent process: Broken pipe at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MogileFS/ line 93.

Nov 19 06:26:58 mogilefs01 mogilefsd[3404]: crash log: Error writing to
parent process: Broken pipe at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/MogileFS/ line 93.

The "Source is no longer available" error is because I lost 2 files
somewhere but what is crashing mogilefs is in the last 3 lines of the log.

I'm using Ubuntu Server 6.10(edgy) on a Xen Virtual Server,
mogilefs-server-2.17 with MogileFS-Client-FilePaths-0.02 and have 3
mogstore on 3 other Xen Virtual Machines.

Are the "Source .. no .. available" errors conflicting with other
processes?. Any Ideas?


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