Input on best practices for serving files

J. Shirley jshirley at
Fri Apr 11 05:01:28 UTC 2008

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Mark Smith <smitty at> wrote:
> > Good call.  All our other Wikis have been unreliable.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > And you're an owner.  Feel free to grant other people member access.
>  Thanks Brad!
>  J, I granted you access to go edit and such.  Feel free to start
>  whacking at things, and please, use the mailing list as much as you
>  want.  I (and I'm sure others!) are happy to review documents, explain
>  things, even write on directed topics, etc.  :)

I've just now started and probably won't get anything published
tonight (flogging accepted, but only if a beer is bought first).

Here is what I am thinking of the organization, since I think that
organization is key (and I had to spend some time on the Google Code

An overview which branches into two main categories: Storing and
Serving.  Then, of course, a more dynamic troubleshooting or errata
node that should be roughly "living" based on what gets posted on the
mailing list (common problems, as well as upcoming things that may
need additional testing?)

Storing will be recipes and step by step guides from a basic setup,
using lighttpd or apache2 + webdav, setting up a secondary service for
read-only access (I'm still not 100% sure on how to do this, so
feedback welcome).

Serving will be basically Mark's writeup, just cleaned up and some
code in place.  If someone could offer me a little snippet of perlbal
knowledge to do minor URL translations I'd be very appreciative.  Just
some example code or a doc to look at for it and I can fill in the

If this sounds like a good structure to start with, I'll get this
posted up sometime tomorrow.  Any other feedback please send my way!


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