
dormando dormando at rydia.net
Sun Feb 17 07:44:24 UTC 2008

I've never actually used the namespace notation for domain before. I'm
not sure if it works.

Does it work if you flatly specify the domain?


Jay Weber wrote:
> Hello, just joined, need to start with a plea for help.
> I’m setting up a test installation, one tracker, one storage server, two
> devices, all on the same machine.  They seem to be running fine:
> -bash-3.1$ ./mogadm --lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 --trackers=
> check
> Checking trackers...
> ... OK
> Checking hosts...
>   [ 1] mogilestorage ... OK
> Checking devices...
>   host device         size(G)    used(G)    free(G)   use%   ob state   I/O%
>   ---- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- -----
>   [ 1] dev1            72.252     55.958     16.294  77.45%  writeable   0.0
>   [ 1] dev2            72.252     55.958     16.294  77.45%  writeable   0.0
>   ---- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------
>              total:   144.505    111.916     32.588  77.45%
> -bash-3.1$ ./mogadm --lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 --trackers=
> domain
>  list
>  domain               class                mindevcount
> -------------------- -------------------- -------------
>  foo                  default                   2
>  foo                  test                      2
> so I wrote a little test client based on the MogileFS::Client doc:
> use MogileFS::Client;
> # create client object w/ server-configured namespace
> # and IPs of trackers
> $mogc = MogileFS::Client->new(domain => "foo::test",
>                               hosts  => ['']);
> die "Unable to initialize MogileFS object.\n" unless $mogc;
> # create a file
> # mogile is a flat namespace.  no paths.
> $key   = "test:bar";
> # must be configured on server
> $fh = $mogc->new_file($key);
> die "Unable to allocate filehandle: ".$mogc->errstr.".\n" unless $fh;
> $data = "baz";
> print $fh $data;
> unless ($fh->close) {
>    die "Error writing file: " . $mogc->errcode . ": " . $mogc->errstr;
> }
> $file_contents = $mogc->get_file_data("foo");
> print "Retrieved $file_contents\n";
> and when running it I get an error:
> -bash-3.1$ perl test1.pl
> Unable to allocate filehandle: unreg_domain Domain name invalid/not found.
> which I don’t understand since I have a domain::class of foo::test, as
> above, looks registered to me.  Or is it that my key namespace must be
> registered with the servers (as suggested by the “must be configured on
> server” comment from the docs).  But I don’t know how to register key
> namespaces.
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> jay

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