Exporting files to another server

Jared Klett jared at blip.tv
Fri Jan 25 17:23:55 UTC 2008

Mr. Doctor,

	I would recommend marking the devices on server you want to move
files off of to "drain". Example:

mogadm device mark host1 dev1 drain
mogadm device mark host1 dev2 drain
mogadm device mark host1 dev3 drain

	or if you prefer a more automated approach, turning on
rebalancing. Example:

mogadm settings set enable_rebalance 1

	Note that if you have a config file at
/etc/mogilefs/mogilefs.conf with your trackers in it, you do not need
include the --trackers parameter to mogadm.


- Jared

Jared Klett
Co-founder, blip.tv


From: mogilefs-bounces at lists.danga.com
[mailto:mogilefs-bounces at lists.danga.com] On Behalf Of
drpr0ctologist at gmail.com
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 4:32 AM
To: mogilefs
Subject: Exporting files to another server

I have a ton of files uploaded to a MogileFS server. How do I export
them out to another server?  The database entries would need to be
consistent of course, so that the new app can get those files again.

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