Perlbal with Mongrels

Ask Bjørn Hansen ask at
Wed Oct 31 22:00:45 UTC 2007

On Oct 31, 2007, at 1:26 PM, TJ Murphy wrote:

> I see the issue happen when I have a spike in requests or if I kill  
> off the mongrels.  I have found that adding more mongrels usually  
> leads to less white screens.

Could the mongrels be failing with an empty response?

> Also, it seems that verify_backend doesn't really jive with  
> mongrel.  I suspect it's because mongrel doesn't respond to an  
> OPTIONS request.  Is there any way to benefit from verify_backend in  
> my case?

Adding enough support for OPTIONS into mogrel for the perlbal verify  
to work should be pretty easy ...

  - ask

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