openid.consumer tag

Anas M. Nebuchadnezzar XXXVII Duck at
Wed Sep 14 06:39:20 PDT 2005

I've been doing some thinging, and I cam up with an idea that I wanted 
to share with you to see what you all think. My idea is, every site that 
supports openid authentication should add an extra link tag in the 
header pointing to it's openid consumer url. This would have the benefit 
of assisting in the autodiscovery of openid-enabled sites as well as 
makeing possible to write browser plugins/extensions that work with that 

Imagine going to and seeing a little openid icon 
show up on the bottom of the window. If you click on the icon, you get 
the options: "log in with {stored identity}" or "log in with other". 
Choosing either option would automatically send a login request to that 
sites consumer url.

This will make things a lot easier when we start to see more sites that 
accept openid logins. If the user doesn't have any such plugin, then 
nothing happens. There's just another link tag in the header, but if 
they _do_ have a plugin installed then it will save them time in logging 
in to the site. (Livejournal doesn't have an openid login box on every page)

So, if you have a site that consumes openid's, then go ahead and put 
this tag on your site now, and if we get enough people to do it, then we 
may be able to start doing something with it.

This wouldn't really needed to be added to the spec. It doesn't really 
change the way anything works already, it's just an optional tag that 
sites can add.

Let me know what you think. Any ideas, or reasons why this wouldn't work?

<link rel="openid.consumer" 
href="" />

Daniel E. Renfer

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