Introducing Zooomr, a photo sharing site that speaks your language and OpenID

Kristopher Tate kris at
Sun Feb 12 07:09:02 UTC 2006

Thanks for the reply, Jay.

OpenID is distributed authentication and no doubt, you have  
authenticated with Zooomr. Email is not used for authentication, but  
for communication purposes (if you receive a comment, someone adds  
you as a friend, et cetera).

We also have a solid privacy policy located at <http://> if you are interested in how we  
use your information.


On 2006/02/11, at 22:29, Jay Knight wrote:

> One great thing about distributed authentication is that I can  
> identify myself on a site without providing my email address.  Any  
> chance of not requiring an email address to get started?
> Jay K

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