Introducing Zooomr, a photo sharing site that speaks your language and OpenID

Jay Knight jay at
Sun Feb 12 06:29:15 UTC 2006

One great thing about distributed authentication is that I can identify 
myself on a site without providing my email address.  Any chance of not 
requiring an email address to get started?

Jay K

Kristopher Tate wrote:
> Hey Everyone!
> It sure has been awhile since OpenID Started. Today, I'm pleased to  
> announce the first (pretty sure) full featured photo sharing site to  
> leverage OpenID. It's called Zooomr, and it's goal is to help people  
> share photos and find new people through photos as simply as possible  
> -- OpenID allows us to do just that. On top of that, Zooomr is  
> localized in 12 locales and counting!
> Here are a few URLs to visit:
> Homepage: <>
> Login (With OpenID Support): <>
> The Zooomr Blog: <>
> I've already talked with the awesome folks over at Janrain, and they  
> have kindly put Zooomr on the online directory (<http:// 
>>). If you run an OpenID Directory, it  
> would mean a lot to me if you would add Zooomr.
> That aside, please login to Zooomr and start sharing photos today. I  
> want to provide the best experience for OpenID users, so if you have  
> questions or comments, please feel free to email me.
> Thanks for your time!
> Kristopher Tate
> CTO -- BlueBridge Technologies Group
> <>
> Here's a quick rundown of the technical and nontechnical:
> Tech:
> * Built entirely with Python 2.4
> * Leverages BlueBridge's BlueNote Web framework
> * Hosted using LightTPD on Debian boxes
> * Utilizes Danga's memcached
> * Supports 4 Login schemes: Level9, OpenID, Google, & Meetro
> * Pages load within 30ms (avg. 15ms)
> Non-Tech:
> * 50mb/month upload capacity; 2gb for pro users
> * RSS Support
> * GeoTagging built right into the site
> * Audio Annotations (Zooomrtations)
> * Tags
> * Grids (Auto Generated Clusters of photos from Tags)
> * Find people inside photos
> * Comments
> * EXIF Data
> * Quick Resize
> * Quick Editing (Simply click on the object you would like to edit)
> * Email/Phone Upload (Down at the moment pending maintenance)
> * LightBox (see: < 
> with-lightbox/>)
> * LightMap (see: < 
> dog-geotag/>)
> * User Profiles
> * Online Status/Presence of users
> * More to come soon!

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