IETF 65 BOF Announcement: Digital Identity Exchange (DIX)

John Merrells merrells at
Fri Feb 17 05:36:35 UTC 2006

On 14-Feb-06, at 1:58 PM, Johannes Ernst wrote:

> Other than SXIP, who else is known at this point to propose  
> identity technology to the IETF? (I realize some may not have  
> identified themselves yet)

Do you mean in general... ie. LDAP, bits of SIP, PKIX, etc.

Or do you mean this DIX BOF specifically?

There are people in the wings waiting and watching...

> Are you expecting anybody from the "other" digital identity  
> industry bodies to present, or at least be present?

Yes. Many from PKI and SAML/LA. Interestingly some of
DIX's biggest supporters are coming out of that camp!

> What is the outcome of the meeting in the best case (whatever that  
> is, in your view) and in the worst case?

Hmm, within the bounds of what's reasonable...

positive outcome = agreement amongst a consensus of IETF people
that this is a worthy topic of discussion and that there's enough people
willing to put effort into making it happen.

negative outcome = nobody shows up :)

The former is highly probably just based on the discussions so far,
the later not at all. Identity is an emotional topic... there will be  
interesting 'debate' at the BOF :)


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