OpenID - getting mass take up & Yahoo! / Overture...

Mark Cross sites at
Sat Jan 7 00:08:09 UTC 2006

> So you are only proposing to use a URL-based messaging system as an
> introduction system?


> That certainly works ... and coincidentally is the way I've
> experienced our authenticated messaging features to be used in practice.
> I still think making URL-based authenticated messaging a native
> messaging protocol has a lot of advantages, for one: consistency /
> seamlessness. It also ties very nicely with Signed Ping ...

the problem with the identity systems as I see them is that it's like
VHS v Betamax at the end of the day, everybody will say - oh
yes of course I knew X was better at the time

but the bottom line is that Wordpress had 900,000 downloads
for v1.5 and the next release after v2 will contain OpenID as a

"With just a few clicks, Yahoo Web Hosting will install WordPress 2.0
complete with a few choice plugins and themes. Setup one blog or
two dozen in seconds."

"They will also upgrade your WordPress when a new stable release or
update is available, meaning it is a zero-maintenance solution on par

now I'm betting that with the overlap between Wordpress going
on Yahoo! and livejournal's support of OpenId - OpenId will be
VHS, maybe it isn't perfect maybe, I'm not a developer anymore.

perhaps the better security can creep in, but it's certainly good
enough for my spam idea and site statistics tracking.

but market forces tell me the way forward is to built on what
will be the dominant platform and by the summer I think OpenId
will have swept the board.

if Yahoo! decide to make their "" your OpenId
then that's it.

and why will they do that? Because it allows them to track every
site you visit, in fact I bet they buy Overture, then they can deliver
advertising based on the site you have visited when you login Yahoo!
to collect your mail or tweak your OpenId profile.

i am writing a larger article - but just need to smooth the edges.

Regards, Mark

(Still haven't looked at your site yet...)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Johannes Ernst" < at>
To: "Mark Cross" <sites at>
Cc: <yadis at>
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: OpenID - getting mass take up, anti-spam?

> So you are only proposing to use a URL-based messaging system as an
> introduction system?
> That certainly works ... and coincidentally is the way I've
> experienced our authenticated messaging features to be used in practice.
> I still think making URL-based authenticated messaging a native
> messaging protocol has a lot of advantages, for one: consistency /
> seamlessness. It also ties very nicely with Signed Ping ...
> On Jan 6, 2006, at 11:35, Mark Cross wrote:
>> Dear Johannes,
>>> The biggest issue in all of this is integration with e-mail clients.
>>> The receiving end is relatively straightforward, but the sending
>>> one isn't.
>>> (Maybe you have some better ideas that I do on this, if so, let's
>>> hear them!)
>> Dinner time beckons, but the I solved the email clients issue:
>> You only have to send the FIRST email via the web system to get on
>> the person's white list within their OpenID server profile.
>> The receiver logs into their OpenID server and runs mail scan and
>> it gives you three types of email.
>> white list + auth key
>> white list only
>> possible spam
>> Once you've got on someone's white list via this system, you don't
>> always have to use the web mail send from you OpenId server. It
>> just means your email will get into their very clean queue.
>> Until mass penetration - I imagine people would only use the send
>> email from OpenID server once. After that - it's optional.
>> Receivers - just login to their OpenID server before they check
>> POP3/IMAP mail.
>> - Is this not good enough until take up occurs?
>> I will look at your site over the weekend.
>> It's nice to know I'm not going around the bend!
>> Happy New Year to your both,
>> m1bxd/m totnes devon gb
> Johannes Ernst




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