Trouble setting up mogileFS

Joshua Thijssen jthijssen at
Sat Jan 28 23:06:36 UTC 2006

Are your /dev[456] devices directories or real devices? It looks like
mogilefs does not cope very well with directories that are not mapped
onto devices. Probably because it will check the free space of a device
by a "df -l" command.

Also something i stumbled onto: there is a hard coded free space limit
of 100 megabytes inside the mogilefs sources. If you make devices of
50MB each, it will not replicate/store anything.


Arnoud Vermeer wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to setup a small test cluster of MogileFS, but I'm running into a
> problem.
> I've got 3 desktop PC's in the datacenter running Debian Sarge (installed
> via netinstall)
> 2 x 1200 Mhz intel with a single PATA 40 gb HD
> and a AMD 2400+ also with a PATA 40 gb HD.
> I've installed mogileFS just fine, first the .tar.gz release from the site,
> but that one was running into problems with adding disks.
> So I grabbed the latest CVS (28-jan-2006), but this one seems to run into
> the same problems.
> mfs1 (1200Mhz+40GB HD) runs Perlbal, mogilefsd and mogstored
> mfs2 (2400Mhz+40GB HD) runs Perlbal, mogilefsd and mogstored
> mfs3 (1200Mhz+40GB HD) just runs mogstored
> I've added the hosts and disks via the mogadm commandline, but when I run a:
> mogadm -c /etc/mogilefs/mogadm.conf check
> I get the following result:
> mogadm -c /etc/mogilefs/mogadm.conf check (IP's and domain removed..)
> Checking trackers...
> ... OK
> ... OK
> Checking hosts...
>         [ 1] mfs1.domain ... OK
>         [ 2] mfs2.domain ... OK
>         [ 3] mfs3.domain ... OK
> Checking devices...
>         host device            size(G)    used(G)    free(G)   use%
>         ---- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------
>         [ 1] dev4      REQUEST FAILURE
>         [ 2] dev3      REQUEST FAILURE
>         [ 3] dev5      REQUEST FAILURE
> Illegal division by zero at /usr/bin/mogadm line 165,
> <Sock_81.171.121.31:7001> line 2.
> So I looked into the source and found the command at line 165, and gave this
> via telnet onto the the tracker:
> telnet localhost 7001
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.localdomain.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> ERR unknown_command Unknown+server+command
> So now I'm stumped.
> Does anybody have a clue?
> Thanks,
> Arnoud Vermeer
> FreshWay Innovations

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